The OFSWCD is here to serve the 88 Soil and Water Conservation Districts. We provide a variety of resources. A few are listed below, but please do not hesitate to contact us with any specific requests as we may be able to assist! We enjoy working with the dedicated staff around the state and are here to partner with you to communicate the message of conservation.
If you are a new staff person with a district, please contact Nicole at to ensure you are on the proper email lists.
Also, make sure you make plans to attend the Annual Partnership meetings, Summer Supervisor School and other networking and training opportunities provided. These meetings are a great way to learn what other districts around the state are doing, network and learn. See the Events page for more information.
Resources for Districts
- Annual Partnership Meeting, SSS - Training, networking and more!
- 4 R Tomorrow Materials
- Animoto
- Crime Policy
- Conference Call Line
- Survey Monkey
- Backyard Conservation
- Contribution Agreements - We will provide updates on what programs are current. Contact the office for a form.
- Administrative Assistant Development Program with the partnership of ODA, DSWC
- Cooperator of the Year Signs
- AgBMPs
- Formsite
Contact for more information and details.
Leadership Resources
Tom Spellmire Academy of Conservation Leadership
OFSWCD has partnered with The Ohio State University to provide leadership training to Supervisors and Staff. Courses are designed to challenge the individual, improve one's understanding of current and future issues and develops skills necessary to lead. Each participant will be required to complete ten courses in 3 years to earn the distinction of graduating from this academy. Courses are offered during partnerships meetings and only cost the participant the registration fee of the event. Contact us to get enrolled today!
Connect with the Ohio Association of Soil and Water Conservation District Employees
The OASWCDE provides membership in order to strengthen soil and water conservation district programs. Visit the OASWCDE website here.
NACD Poster Contest
The Ohio Federation of Soil and Water Conservation Districts Auxiliary holds the state competition for the National Association of Conservation Districts Poster Contest. Please see the attachments below for contest rules, resources, and entry form. Please send the Posters to the OFSWCD office by June 30. 8995 E. Main St. Reynoldsburg, OH 43068
Find more information about the NACD Poster Contest here. Learn more about the 2025 program here.
Urban Program Networking Committee
The Urban Program Networking Committee supports Districts in developing and expanding urban and stormwater programming. To learn more about the committee, view the latest progress report here.